1. scmus(1)
  2. General Commands Manual
  3. scmus(1)


scmus - Scheme MPD Client


scmus [options]


scmus is an ncurses based client for the Music Player Daemon, written and scriptable in the Scheme programming language.


-a,--address ADDRESS

Specify the address to use when connecting to the MPD server.

-c,--command COMMAND

Send a command to the MPD server and print the response (as a Scheme object) to standard output.

--config PATH

Specify the path to a config file to use instead of the default.


Print a help message and exit.

--password PASSWORD

Specify the password to use when connecting to the MPD server.

-p,--port PORT

Specify the port to use when connecting to the MPD server.

-u,--unix PATH

Specify the path to a UNIX domain socket to use when connecting to the MPD server.


Print scmus's version and exit.


Print some extra information to the console while scmus is running.


There are 8 views in scmus. Press keys 1-8 to change the active view.

Library View (1)

In this view you can browse the entire music database. The database is organized hierarchically, with artists at the top level, then albums, then tracks. The arrow keys or hjkl are used to navigate through the hierarchy.

Playlist view (2)

The playlist editor. Stored playlists can be loaded into this view using the edit command, or by pressing the A key with a playlist selected in the library or browser views. Once a playlist is loaded into the editor, tracks can be appended to it by pressing the A key in the library, search or browser views.

Queue view (3)

Displays the tracks in the play queue.

Search View (4)

Used for searching MPD's music database. This view is split vertically into two panes: the top pane has a list of search fields, and the bottom pane lists the results of the search. To edit a search field, hit the i key with the cursor over the search field.

Search fields should contain simple keywords, or a tag:value pair (e.g. artist:boris). To perform the search, hit the enter key. A list of results will appear in the bottom pane.

Browser View (5)

Like the library view, except that this view is organized as a file system rather than by artist/album/track.

Log View (6)

Displays the contents of the log. This should contain network/mpd related errors, and exceptions triggered by your own code executed in eval mode.

Options View (7)

Used for viewing and editing scmus's options. The edit an option, hit the i key with the cursor over the desired option.

Bindings View (8)

Used for viewing and editing key bindings. Only keys that are already bound will appear here. See the bind command for how to create new key bindings.


Everything in scmus ban be controlled by entering commands or Scheme expressions on the command-line (the bottommost line). To enter command mode press :. To enter eval mode press $. After typing in your command/expression, press ENTER to execute it or ESC to cancel.


;; add the selected track to the play queue
:add # command mode
$(win-add!) ; eval mode

;; start playing
;; you could just press 'x' which is the default binding for this function
:play # command mode
$(play!) ; eval mode

;; clear current window
:win-clear # command mode
$(win-clear!) ; eval mode


Search mode works like eval mode. To enter search mode press / and then type the search query and press ENTER. Press n to find the next match using the same search query, or N to find the previous match. You may also search backward by pressing ? instead of / (the meaning of n and N is reversed in this mode).

scmus uses a simple substring match search. When the current window contains a list of tracks, the artist, album, albumartist and title tags are searched.


The right hand side of the status line (second row from the bottom) consists of the following fields:

single (S) repeat (R) random (r) consume (C)

These can be toggled by pressing the S, R, r, and C keys respectively.

Single means that scmus will play a single song and then stop.

Repeat means that scmus will continue playing from the beginning of the play queue after it reaches the end.

Random means that scmus will play tracks in a random order.

Consume means that tracks are removed from the play queue when they are finished playing.


In scmus, a key or sequence of keys can be bound to a command or Scheme expression. When that key or sequence of keys is pressed, the command/expression is evaluated.

See the bind and unbind commands in the COMMANDS section for a description of how keys can be bound or unbound.

To see a list of the current key bindings, open the bindings view by hitting the 8 key.


This section describes scmus's commands.

Optional parameters are in [square brackets].

Scheme expressions can be embedded within a command using the $ character. The expression following the $ character is evaluated and its result is spliced into the command, formatted as if by DISPLAY. E.g.:

echo $a-scheme-variable

Scheme expressions may be optionally delimited by curly braces, e.g.:

echo ${a-scheme-variable}!

You can assign to variables in the Scheme environment by using the VAR=VALUE syntax:

VAR=VALUE # assigns the string "VALUE" to the variable VAR
echo $VAR # prints VALUE to the command line

bind [-f] context keys [expression]

Add a key binding.

-f overwrite existing binding

There's one context for each view. common is a special context on which bound keys in every view. Keys bound in the common context can be overridden in other contexts.

Valid key contexts common library queue search browser status error options bindings


Remove all tracks from the play queue.

colorscheme name

Change color scheme. Color schemes are found in /usr/local/share/scmus/colors/ or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scmus/colors/.

connect [host] [port [password]]]

Connect to an MPD server.

If host is given, it should be the hostname of the MPD server.

If port is given, it should be the port number of the MPD server, or one of the strings unix or default. If the port is given as unix, then host is interpreted as the path to a UNIX domain socket. If port is default, then the default configured port number is used.

If pass is given, it should be the password for the MPD server.

echo arg...

Display arguments on the command line.

edit playlist

Load the named playlist into the playlist editor.

load playlist

Load the named playlist into the play queue.


Skip to the next track.


Toggle pause.


Play the current track from the beginning.


Skip to the previous track.

save playlist-name

Save the contents of the play queue as a playlist named playlist-name.

seek [+-](num[mh] | [HH:]MM:SS)

Seek to absolute or relative position within the current track. Position can be given in seconds (default), minutes (m), hours (h) or HH:MM:SS format (where HH: is optional.

Seek 1 minute backward:
:seek -1m

Seek 5 seconds forward: :seek +5

Seek to absolute position 1h: :seek 1h

Seek 90 seconds forward: :seek +1:30


Stop playback.

unbind [-f] context keys

Remove a key binding.

-f Don't throw an error if the binding is not known.


Initiate an MPD database update.

vol [+-]NUM

Set, increase or decrease volume.

To increase or decrease the volume, use a + or - prefix. Otherwise the value is treated as an absolute volume level.


Activate the currently selected item. The meaning of this command varies depending on what is selected.

In the library and browser views, it descends into the next level or the artist/album/track or directory hierarchy. In the queue view it plays the selected track. In the options and bindings biews it begins editing the selected option/binding. In search view it executes the search query.

win-add [dst]

Add the currently marked or selected track(s) to the play queue or playlist editor. dst should be either "queue" or "playlist". If dst is ommitted, it defaults to "queue".


Move the cursor to the bottom of the active window.


In queue view, clears the play queue. In search view, clears the search results.


In the library and browser views, ascend to the next level in the artist/album/track or directory hierarchy.

win-move [-r] [-]n

Move the cursor up or down.

-r Interpret n as a percentage of the visible number of lines.

win-move-tracks [-b]

Move the marked or selected track(s) to the cursor location.

-b Move the tracks "before" (under) the cursor.


Remove the selected entry.

win-search [-b] query

Search the active window. This is the same as entering query in search mode.

-b search backwards


Move the cursor to the next search result.


Move the cursor to the previous search result.


Move the cursor to the top of the active window.


See scmus(3) for documentation of the Scheme programming environment in scmus.


This section describes scmus's options that can be altered with the set-option! function. Default values are in parentheses.

color-cmdline ('(default default default))

Command line colors.

color-error ('(default default red))

Colors for error messages displayed on the command line.

color-info ('(default default yellow))

Colors for informational messages displayed on the command line.

color-statusline ('(default white black))

Status line colors.

color-titleline ('(default blue white))

Title line colors.

color-win ('(default default default))

Window colors.

color-win-cur ('(default default yellow))

Colors for the currently playing track.

color-win-cur-sel ('(default blue white))

Colors for the selected row which is also the currently playing track.

color-win-marked ('(default blue white))

Colors for marked rows.

color-win-sel ('(default blue white))

Colors for the selected row.

color-win-title ('(default blue white))

Colors for window titles (topmost line of the screen).

eval-mode-print (#f)

In eval mode, print the result of evaluating the entered expression as if by WRITE.

format-browser-dir ("~{directory}")

Format string for directories in the browser view.

format-browser-file ("~{path}")

Format string for files in the browser view.

format-browser-metadata ("~-50%{tag} ~{value}")

Format string for file metadata in the browser view.

format-browser-playlist ("[~{playlist}")

Format string for playlists in the browser view.

format-current (" ~a - ~l ~n. ~t~= ~y")

Format string for the line displaying the current track.

format-library-album ("~{album}")

Format for albums in the library view.

format-library-artist ("~{artist}")

Format for artists in the library view.

format-library-file ("~-25%a ~3n. ~t~= ~-4y ~d")

Format for files in the library view.

format-library-metadata ("~-50%{tag} ~{value}")

Format for file metadata in the library view.

format-library-playlist ("~{playlist}")

Format for playlists in the library view.

format-queue ("~-25%a ~3n. ~t~= ~-4y ~d")

Format string for tracks in the queue view.

format-search-file ("~-25%a ~3n. ~t~= ~-4y ~d")

Format string for files in the search view.

mpd-address ("localhost")

Hostname of the MPD server.

mpd-password (#f)

Password to use for the MPD server.

mpd-port (6600)

Port number of the MPD server.

status-update-interval (1.5)

Number of seconds to wait between MPD status updates. Consider increasing this if the latency to the MPD server is high.


Colors are integers in the range -1...255.

The following color symbols are recognized:

Terminal's default color, -1



black, read, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white


dark-gray, light-red, light-green, light-yellow, light-blue, light-magenta, light-cyan, gray

Attributes may also be used, such as bold or underline. The following attribute symbols are recognized

default normal underline reverse blink bold dim invis standout

Color options are specified as 3-tuples (attribute background-color foreground-color).


Format strings control the display of text throughout scmus.

Special Keys:

~a ~{artist}
~A ~{albumartist}
~l ~{album}
~D ~{discnumber}
~n ~{tracknumber}
~t ~{title}
~g ~{genre}
~c ~{comment}
~y ~{date}
~d ~{duration}
~f ~{path}
~F ~{filename}
~P ~{playing}
~p ~{current}
~T ~{db-playtime}
~v ~{volume}
~R ~{repeat}
~r ~{random}
~s ~{single}
~C ~{consume}

start align center (use at most once)
start align right (use at most once)
literal tilde character

If the string inside a ~{} specifier is not one of the predefined values above, scmus will still try to find a metadata field with that name. So ~{} can be used to display abritrary metadata, so long as the metadata is reporteed by MPD.

Colors may be specified in format strings with the ~<> specifier. Numbers between -1 and 255 as well as color names (e.g. green) are supported. ~<reset> or ~<!> can be used to reset the color to the default after using color specifiers. To specify both foreground and background colors, separate them with a colon, e.g. ~<red:black>.

Alternatively, the region of text to receive coloring may be delimited inside an extra pair of angle brackets. E.g. ~<<red>text> is equivalient to ~<red>text~<!>.

Arbitrary Scheme code can be embedded in a format string inside of ~[]. The code will be evaluated and the result substituted for the ~[] specifier, as if formatted by DISPLAY. If the code evaluates to a function, the function is called with a track object and the formatted string's max width as arguments, and the return value is substituted.

Groups can be defined within format strings with the ~() specifier. The text inside the parentheses will be treated as a unit with respect to width, alignment and padding. Groups should always be used in conjunction with a width specifier.

You can use printf style formatting (width, alignment, padding). As an extension, the width can have a %-suffix, to specify a percentage of the available width.


(set-option! 'format-current "~a - ~l ~n. ~t~= ~y")
(set-option! 'format-queue "~-25%a ~3n. ~t~= ~-4y ~d")
(set-option! 'format-queue "~{musicbrainz_trackid}")
(set-option! 'format-queue "~<5>~-25%a~<!> ~3n. ~t~= ~-4y ~d")
(set-option! 'format-queue "~[(lambda (x) (track-file x))]")
(set-option! 'format-queue "~25%(Artist: ~a)")


scmus reads its configuration from 2 files.


Per-user configuration. ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config if it is not set.)


System-wide configuration. This contains default settings, which can be overriden on a per-user basis.

Color Schemes
There are some color schemes in /usr/local/share/scmus/colors/. You can switch them using the colorscheme! function.


You can submit bugs to the issue tracker on Github (https://github.com/drewt/scmus/issues).




scmus was written by Drew Thoreson <drew.thoreson@alumni.ubc.ca>.

This man page is based heavily on the cmus man page, written by Frank Terbeck, Timo Hirvonen and Clay Barnes.

  1. January 2019
  2. scmus(1)